A press release came across my desk today that caught my eye - "Website Offers Bailout To Economically Strapped Suitors This Valentine's Day."
The company is Saved By The Bud, and they're trying not to let the economic downturn put a damper on Valentine's Day this year. "Valentine's Day approaches, the day when cupid meets commerce, and even the poorest of paramours is expected to pony up with a present," the release eloquently states.
To help bail out cash-strapped suitors, www.savedbythebud.com has created a new section, Buds On A Budget, which includes affordable floral gift ideas for Valentine's Day.
Saved By The Bud comes from the Netherlands Flower Bulb Information Center (NFBIC) in Danby, Vt., and offers "a lifeline for clueless guys offering the hows, whys and ways of using the power of flowers to communicate with girls."
Suggestions in the Buds On A Budget section include choosing one, fabulous flower over a bulked up bouquet. "Properly presented, one or two wisely-chosen stems can be just as cool a gift as two dozen - if your presentation is charming."
The site also offers information on buying and caring for cut and potted flowers, including how-to videos so "even the most horticulturally challenged can learn the ins and outs of floral gifts."